Thursday, September 25, 2008

Daddy's Girl

Can you believe that at my age I am STILL Daddy's girl. My Mr. Wonderful, that I have been dating for a little over 6 months now, asked me last night if I ever thought he could even come close to being as wonderful as I thought my Dad is. I smiled and told him that he could sure try, but I am pretty sure that he will have to settle for being wonderful in a whole different way than my Daddy. :)
I guess with Dad's birthday coming up this weekend it has me in a melancholy mood. I know I am VERY lucky to still have my parents and to have them both be healthy. I am thankful for that. I am not saying my Dad is perfect, trust me. He is male, after all. But in all honesty, he is everything a daughter could want in a Dad.
To all of you out there who still have your Dads....hug their necks and enjoy them.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Dad

This weekend my Dad will be 70 years old. It is just so hard for me accept that my Dad will be 70. I have been thinking a lot the past few days about my Dad. Trust me, he isn’t perfect, but I have to admit he has been a great dad. He has told both my sister and I that he doesn’t want a gift for his birthday this year. I have been working on a letter to give him letting him know how much I appreciate all the things he has done. It has made me a little weepy the past few days. I can’t imagine life without either of my parents. I depend on them for so much.
Any ideas on anything else I can do for my Dad’s birthday to let him know how much I appreciate and love him?

Friday, September 19, 2008

I hate roller coasters!

So, I have always gotten sick on roller coasters, but this is ridiculous. The Ex husband told me he would meet me halfway so that I could have my son for the weekend. First let me explain, I have custody of my son, however, he hates the school here. He really wanted to go to NC to try school there. I finally agreed to it and his Dad said he would work with me and bring him halfway for visits. Now, he says he won’t. I have to go to NC to get him, about 3.5 hours from here and then turn around and take him back on Sunday. For someone who has back problems, this is a lot of traveling, something I am only to do if I am riding and can take meds to keep me relaxed. Well, that won’t happen, I have to drive to get him and drive to take him back. I am very angry, hurt, sad, all of that good stuff. I just want to see my son. First his dad says he will meet me, then he won’t, then he will….then about 15 minutes ago, he says he won’t. His Dad, who I like to call Hitler, is only doing this because he owed me 5500.00 in back support and the state has started taking payments out of his checks. Now he is mad at me. He was supposed to have started making payments two years ago and didn’t. Now he is mad at me. This seems a little screwed up to me. I think it might be a lifetime movie weekend. Gonna go buy me some popcorn and diet coke and get new batteries for the remote and stay in bed as much as possible. Thinking about inviting a couple of friends over to hang out too. Maybe we can even contact the mafia and see about a hit man? LOL

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm forever Yours, Faithfully

Doesn't it make you wonder why the one you want to be there forever is usually the one who leaves and the one you want to leave is the one that wants to stay forever?
Obviously, being sick yesterday and having to stay home gave me way toooo much time to think. I am back up on my feet today physically, however, emotionally, my brain is buzzing. I have been seeing someone for 6 months, and I will admit, I am crazy about him and he seems pretty crazy about me. I am just so afraid something will happen to ruin the whole thing. I guess all of the failures in my past have me afraid to trust what is going on right now.
I need to forget the things from the past and live in the now. I second guess myself now all the time. What happened to that carefree girl from years past? I gotta get out of this funk.
What is going on out there with everyone else? Anything good?

Friday, September 12, 2008


Last night was a rough night. I have been going thru some pretty tough times with a couple of people and last night, I decided to get it all out and settle things once and for all. Why is it that I am still hurting? I told one guy that I could never be more than his friend because even though my best friend and I have had a rough time, I still can’t date her ex. He said it makes him sad. Now THAT makes me sad. Why do I ALWAYS attract the guys that seem so sweet like last night, but are really very physical guys that want to shove you around? I have a GREAT guy that I have been seeing for a while. Why can’t I just settle down and be happy with him. He is handsome, he is kind, has a great job, is a great dad and seems to be everything I have ever wanted. I think after the failed marriages, I am afraid to totally commit. Who knows. Maybe just “talking “ it all out on here will help. The good news….2 people who have owed me $$ since May came thru today….I can buy groceries!!!! LOL
As for the weekend, plans with Mr. Wonderful tonight, not really sure about the rest of the week….anyone doing anything fun this weekend?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Music of Life

I think I have finally come back to work after the weekend. I guess work does that to you after a couple of days. I did however, have a slight funny happen last night. I have a piano in my home and I love to play. I teach a handful of kids on a couple of evenings after I get off work. ANYWAY, after lessons last night, I decided that since I was the only one in the house, I would play just for fun. I was enjoying the relaxing music I was playing and was in my own little happy place. I had just finished a song when I hear clapping, yes, clapping. I look up and there is a little old man, who seemed quite inebriated at the time, clapping and grinning from ear to ear. Scared me to death. Wonder if he continued to clap after I slammed the door shut?
Hope everyone else is doing ok. Should be another fun filled day of work, lessons, and playing for a church tonight. Everyone enjoy the music in their lives today.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Oh What A Night

I am still reeling over the night. Not sure where to start….I guess, thank you Belle and Susan for asking , no insisting, well, suggesting rather strongly that I go out with you guys. It was great!!! Can’t thank you guys enough for everything, even helping me clean up after getting sick. EWWWW!!!
The night was one I think all of us needed. It was fun to let my hair down and dance (as best I can with my 80s moves and style)and feel almost like a teenager again.
I have, however, decided that golf may be worth watching after all. See, we met this whole bunch of golfers there and did they ever like us. I think they were blown away be three country girls who could let their hair down and have fun.
One of the guys, who I will call Indiana, was wonderful! We danced and talked and danced and well…just let me say things were moving along out on the deck when I hear, BETTY!!!! Get in here right now! What do you think you are doing?” I swear, I thought my Mom had come in. At that point, I was so confused, I did what the voice said. Is this the time to say that I am not sure how many shots I had done or exactly how many drinks had been bought for me, so I was a bit messed up. Looking back on it, I think I should say thank you to Susan for being a friend. Come on, how many people do you know that can say they have friends like Belle and Susan who would help them wash the puke out of their hair? LOL
All in all, it was a great night and I can’t WAIT for next year!!!!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

YOU WANT WHAT???? ARE YOU INSANE? These were my words to my ex husband last night. Let me go back and explain this a bit. See, after him having many affairs, I finally left his ass in 2003. I was granted custody of my two boys and Hitler was told to pay child support. Sounds simple, right? NEVER. My oldest son is now 19 and in college, so Hitler says that he owes my son and I nothing. My younger son, who is now 16 hates the schools here in the big Summers County. I agreed to let him stay with his Dad for 6 months to see how he likes the school there. Now, here is the kicker, Hitler has never paid what he was supposed to pay in child support. He owes me quite a bit....he had the nerve to call me last night to ask for child support. Now, he has remarried and they both have good jobs. I am a single mother, trying hard to make it and failing miserably at times. If I felt he had been fair and had paid what he owed, I would figure out a way to pay him support. The kicker....I have already turned all of the paperwork in to collect back child support in June and Hitler isn't even aware of it yet....I guess the system is a little slow. ANYWAY, he asked me for child support on the night that my wonderful friend, aunt flo or whatever you want to call it came to visit. NOT A GOOD IDEA. I am very out spoken when this happens. I kept my cool and didn't yell and scream and bluntly told him to see what the child support people said and to leave me alone. Then I fixed a couple of drinks, took a pain pill and am now trying to focus on my, how is everyone else doing?
On another note.....if Belle doesn't quit looking at puppy pictures, I am gonna have to kill her ya Belle!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I need a new drug

Sometimes it just amazes me how I let people decide how my day is going to go. I know there has to be a support group out there somewhere for people like me. I mean, come on. Its an addiction, right? I get up, I look at my phone and yep, sure enough, a friend did leave me a message again telling me that she didn't mean to spread lies and that she is still the best friend anyone could ever want and so on. Well....deleting that message was honestly a great feeling. Then I realize that my "Aunt" has decided to visit with a vengeance this month. GREAT!!!!! Cranky, bloated, grouchy, I think I need a drink.
Anyone else having a great day?